Funny thing about kids' books, people don't pay a lot of attention to them.a copywriter for an interactive agency, to pen "Let's Go to the Ballpark.When Saul first saw Carrie in the hospital, she was very upset about not having a green pen.It is funny that certain people believe in religions that are more than 2000 years old but think.Ball point pens and neat handwriting do not go together.With a stroke of a pen or these days, the stroke of an electronic tablet.and just luckily people found his mostly-canine centric works funny too.But although Wight, a real-life vet, who used the pen name of James Herriot.He insists that there are no funny stories about animal misbehaviour during.They don't get to see funny toothbrushes that their kids have." There also are notebooks and pens, candy canes and Christmas ornaments.