The Sacred Order of Geeks - Infographic - News - GeekTyrant

Here's an infogrpahic that I came across called The Sacred of of Geeksthat depicts sixteen different types of geeks. I think it tries a little too hard.Spawned from the union of yesterday's memes and obsessed technophiles, the mythical empire of Geekdom has been steadily expanding.orders-of-geek. It might offend them, but calling a room full of geeks a “freak show” is not far off. A derivative of the Low German word for “freak.Share this infographic on your site! .The Sacred Order of Geeks Though hailing from different territories of geek, each new variety marches under the same.The Best Colleges Online has posted an infographic entitled The Sacred Order of Geeks that mentions various types of geek like Apple Geek. The Sacred Order of Geeks. With the rise of Geek power over last decade or so, there have been many associated infographics.

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