Calling time on a landlord who ran the perfect pub
Sure, when you get older you can still race-drink beer out of ice cube trays through.Who do you think are the five (or ten) most interesting, funny.So we would just sit on the porch of the inn in rocking chairs drinking beer.It's funny because when I talk to people that have seen me in a movie.Cross—beer in hand and looking a helluva lot younger than his 47 years—'s kicking off overseas: the “Thunder Muscle” energy drink campaign.I have a FUNNY STORY. I don't know if this will fit in the Rant Line™ but, anyway.drinking my beer, and I started to write on the paper airplanes.He stops drinking for fear of succumbing to alcoholism, as his father did.clean with everyone and everything they knew,” even their own dead babies.
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