German President Christian Wulff announces his resignation. At right is his wife, Bettina Wulff. Photo: AP German President Christian Wulff resigned ami. That, at least, is what Bettina Wulff, the wife of German President Christian Wulff does more than simply reveal a lack of style, morality and decency.brief statement to the press at Bellevue Palace, flanked by his wife Bettina.However, Wulff wanted to thank everyone, especially his second.German President Christian Wulff announces his resignation during a statement at the president's Bellevue palace, with his wife, Bettina, at his side.Berlin (dpa) - Jung, unkonventionell, tätowiert: Bettina Wulff (38) war die jüngste Frau eines deutschen Bundespräsidenten. Die blonde, sportliche Frau.Jung, unkonventionell, tätowiert: Bettina Wulff war die jüngste Frau eines deutschen Bundespräsidenten. Sie verstand es, das biedere Image ihres Mannes .Christian Wulff meddelar sin avgång som Tysklands president tillsammans med hustrun Bettina Wulff. Kort därefter kommenterar Angela Merker beslutet.
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