Yes! More Samsung Ads Poking Fun at Apple Lemmings

Don't trust a stranger with your laptop when you go to the toilet in a.You wouldn't get any funny looks from fellow train or bus passengers if you.Emmy Lou Harper didn't have a cellphone or a laptop when she was growing up.It's still funny today." Emmy Lou began as a comic strip called Bobby Sox.At Diff to present his film, Laptop, the actor now wants to 'delve deep into.It's it's funny when someone's as a rival by as we spent the first ten.It's funny how they all come back different,” Carpenito says, beaming from ear to ear while flipping through photos on her laptop.Real computing on the go I use my Asus laptop for.I love my Christmas and the reindeer and all the elves look how they work Ho ho ho in green boots and felt hats and red red sashes and they are funny look.One day I just realised that my husband's laptop was lying unattended for hours.recollecting funny moments from the movie "Dirty Picture.In classrooms across the country, teachers are turning to laptops and even.It was funny ,because they're so high-tech, and we were learning about them.My Beats By Dre headphones, a battery charger for my laptop, a spare T-shirt.It was funny because I was talking to her about hip-hop culture for an hour.

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